How SMS Marketing Services Work

How SMS Marketing Services Work

Short messaging service (SMS) marketing is a method of marketing that firms employ to offer promotions to clients via text messages. In reality, SMS marketing is the same thing as text message marketing.

Best practices for SMS marketing?

You may be unsure if sending mass SMS messages is legal. It is legal, providing you adhere to the rules and regulations governing SMS advertising in your country.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991

Its most significant implication is that firms must obtain written authorization from customers before sending them promotional text messages. Consumers must also be informed about how frequently they will be receiving text messages.

Act (CAN-SPAM) of 2003

Fake or confusing headers, as well as deceptive subject lines, are strictly prohibited. CAN-SPAM is mostly concerned with email, but it can also apply to SMS.

Here are recommended best practices:

1. Get customer permission.

2. Make use of a brand-friendly shortcode.

3. Use intelligence and be straight to the point.

4. Assign the optimum keywords to your business.

5. Respond in real-time.

6. Monitor success.

Timing of SMS Messages

According to the CAN-SPAM Act, text communication must take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., thus your service provider should be able to automatically send your messages at the appropriate time in the appropriate time zone for you. Other countries have their own regulations.

Why Is SMS Effective?

As a marketing method, SMS has a lot going for it as a marketing method. These include:

Immediate delivery

SMS is an extremely quick and effective method of communication. Your marketing message will reach your target audience (customers) nearly immediately after being sent because it is sent in a couple of seconds.


As an SMS message is delivered straight to your customer’s mobile phone, it is quite personal.


Text messages are inexpensive, especially if you purchase them in large quantities. There is no other marketing approach that can deliver such inexpensive outcomes, especially when compared to traditional marketing tactics like television, radio, and print media.

Global Reach

Text messages may reach millions of individuals in a short period of time, regardless of where they are located. It has the capability of reaching practically all of the 6-7 billion mobile phones now in use.


Everyone is familiar with the process of opening, reading, and texting a message. Furthermore, because of the restriction on message length (160 characters), communications are short, direct, simple, and to the point.


Using text messaging, you may deliver a wide range of marketing messages to a specific group of people (customers and prospects) in real-time.


According to some estimates, 91 per cent of individuals keep their cell phones within arm’s reach at all times. Thus, SMS is one of the most direct methods of connecting with customers.


The delivery reports make it simple to keep track of SMS messages.


SMS, in contrast to email, which is constantly bbattlingagainst spam and other junk email filters, is completely safe. Because mobile phones do not have a spam box, you can be confident that your marketing message will reach its destination without being intercepted.

Use a PprofessionallikeĀ Texting Base is the business texting platform that enables your SMS marketing campaigns.